Friday 5 August 2011

Exercise starting from Monday

this was sent to me courtesy of my friend Lee who is a personal trainer.....he is also gay but that doesn't matter

Week 1
Monday - 400 m run followed by 20 squats, repeat, then do 3 Front plank 45 sec per plank with 15 second rest.

Tuesday - Eight hundred meters of jogging should warm you up for the workouts. perform 5 rounds of Jump Lunge (3), push ups (6) and squats (9). The exercise should end with a 800 m run

Wednesday - the warm up exercises should include jumping jacks (30) and squats (10). Workout - 10 sit ups and 10 push ups. As many rounds as possible, of sit ups and push ups need to performed within 15 minutes.

Thursday - 400 m running followed by 20 squats, 20 press ups, 30 second plank, 20 Press ups, 20 squats then 400m run.

Friday - as many rounds as possible of pull ups (2), push ups (5) and squats (10) within 15 minutes should be performed.


  1. It looks like you're running out of things to write as well as eat!
